The romantic comedy and drama follows the manga of the same name and follows the adventures of cute and coquettish schoolgirl Shirabaka Aya and nerd of a man Tairaku Arihiko. There is a problem or two. Aya loves Arihiko. Arihiko is a school teacher. Aya is a student at the school. Aya's father is a yakuza thug. Aya and Arihiko live in the same apartment. Aya is hot. Arihiko could lose his job.
Stars: Ayaka Morikawa, Ryoma Baba, Moemi Katayama, Yurisa, Wataru Ichinose, Sumire Nagai
Crew: Shota Sasaki (Director), Tomonori Sasaki (Screenplay), Kenichi Negishi (Director of Photography), Shota Sasaki (Screenplay), Takeshi Katayama (Producer), Toshiaki Morihara (Producer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Nippan Group Holdings
Runtime: 74 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 18, 2016
IMDb: 5