Takeo Kikuchi is a steel factory worker who lives with his girlfriend Aki. One day, Kikuchi runs into an old friend named Jiro Soda, also known as "Denjiro", whom Kikuchi shares a deep secret since the day two encountered a certain “incident” in the past. It seems to be that Kikuchi's senior Ito, and Ito's business partner Takaido, also a hunter named Umezawa have something to be involved with, but the truth was not something to be easily spoken. From the day of that unexpected reunion, their peaceful life begins to fall apart...
Stars: Naoto Kawamoto, Momoka Okabe, Kenta Hiroki, Kotaro Sato, Yoshihiro Saito, Koji Wakuta
Crew: Kotaro Sato (Screenplay), Kotaro Sato (Director), Kazuhide Shimamura (Assistant Sound Designer), Masaki Kitahara (Assistant Director), Yutaro Sugai (Assistant Director), Kengo Yagawa (Editor)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 61 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 31, 2011
IMDb: 10