Atsushi Sakahara, a victim of the 1995 sarin gas attack in Tokyo's subway system, travels with Hiroshi Araki, an executive of Aleph (formerly Aum Shinrikyo), the attack's perpetrators, visiting their respective hometowns and the university they both attended. Conversations unfold, building intimacy: we learn why Araki joined the infamous organization led by Shoko Asahara and why, still, Araki remains an executive member of the cult, even though he was not directly involved in any of the crimes.The beginning of a friendship, a trip for redemption, or the confirmation that each human has to go their own way.
Genre: Documentary, Crime, History
Stars: Shoko Asahara, Hiroshi Araki, Atsushi Sakahara, Takako Sakahara, Takeshi Sakahara
Crew: Atsushi Sakahara (Director), Pearl Chan (Co-Producer), Etsuko Matsuo (Producer), Atsushi Sakahara (Producer), Soto Ikemiya (Music), Tatsuya Yamada (Cinematography)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Good People Inc.
Runtime: 114 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Mar 20, 2021
IMDb: 4.7