Clara, a lawyer in Annecy, leads a serene but monotonous life with her husband Damien and their two children. One night, she falls under the spell of a mysterious sculptor, Stéphane. This one torrid night will have dramatic repercussions for her and her family...
Stars: Natacha Lindinger, Éric Caravaca, Yannick Choirat, Amelle Chahbi, Fleur Geffier, Margaux Ribagnac-Vin
Crew: Marion Festraëts (Writer), Mary Milojevic (Writer), Marc Brunet (Producer), Vincent Lannoo (Director), Marie Guillaumond (Producer)
Country: France
Language: Français
Studio: Felicita Films
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 21, 2022
IMDb: 5.1