Burnside is a British television police procedural drama, broadcast on ITV in 2000. The series, a spin-off from ITV's long-running police drama The Bill, focused on DCI Frank Burnside, formerly a detective at Sun Hill and now working for the National Crime Squad. Burnside ran for one series of six episodes, structured as three two-part stories.
Stars: Christopher Ellison, Zoë Eeles, Justin Pierre, Paul Nicholas, Shane Richie, Tony Selby
Crew: Peter Butler, Jamie Nuttgens, Sandy Nuttgens, Ian Russell, Jamie Nuttgens, Justin Hardy
Country: GB
Studio: ITV1, Thames Television
Runtime: 60:50 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jul 07, 2000
Last air date: Aug 10, 2000
Episode: 6 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4