Kid Nation was an American reality television show hosted by Jonathan Karsh that premiered on the CBS network on September 19, 2007 created by Tom Forman Productions and Endemol USA and aired on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET . The show, featuring 40 children aged 8 to 15, was filmed on location at the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch, a privately owned town built on the ruins of Bonanza City, New Mexico, eight miles south of Santa Fe, with production beginning on April 1, 2007. In the show, the children try to create a functioning society in the town, including setting up a government system with minimal adult help and supervision.
Genre: Reality
Stars: Laurel McGoff, Jonathan Karsh, Daniel Kyri, Taylor DuPriest, Sophie Wise
Crew: Mark T. Williams, Jeff Lippencott, Jack Cannon, Tom Forman, John Platt
Country: US
Studio: CBS
Runtime: 60:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 19, 2007
Last air date: Dec 12, 2007
Episode: 13 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.4