In the mesmerizing animated short film 'Astra Lumina,' a mysterious extraterrestrial craft lands at the NAIA 1 airport in Manila, heralding an encounter that challenges the essence of humanity. As Gloria, a compassionate air traffic controller, engages in a profound exchange with the enigmatic Alien Being, cosmic questions of existence, change, and the intricate dance between creation and destruction unfold against the backdrop of Earth's destiny.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Dallyn Brunck, Mylo Reid, James Duffy
Crew: JC Gallegos (Creator), Jeremiah Cuyas (Visual Effects), Timothy Joshua Abad (Animation), Fredrick Gonzales (Background Designer), Jhasmine De Dios (Graphic Designer), JC Gallegos (Producer)
Country: Philippines
Studio: Punx Studios
Runtime: 12 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 17, 2023
IMDb: 10