"Anchorless" follows August, a 16-year-old boy that lives in Italy who, during a trip to Belém in Brazil, meets Antonio, 17, and falls in love with him. When August returns to Italy, their relationship becomes virtual, but the messages grow increasingly uncertain and flawed. While August feels more isolated and distant, Antonio begins to embrace the carefree nature of youth, attending parties and engaging in new relationships. The story tracks the ups and downs of their bond, marked by jealousy, insecurities, and the challenges of maintaining a long-distance love while both characters navigate their personal transformations.
Stars: Rafael Pedrosa, Maria Avelar, Isabelli Rizzi
Crew: Murillo Campos (Director), Rafael Pedrosa (Producer)
Country: Brazil, United States of America
Language: English, Italiano, Português
Studio: MACP STUDIOS, Gran Maker Studios
Runtime: 110 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 26, 2025
IMDb: 10