This story revolves around a spirited, carefree boy named Kazuma Harukaze, who lives with his little sister Sakura and his horse Lovely on a farm within sight of Mt. Fuji. One day, a "meteor" lands nearby, and it turns out to be Hinkeeru — a messenger from Muzanda who has come to warn Earth of a grave danger — and a robot horse named Robony.
Genre: Science Fiction, Animation, Action
Stars: Yuki Kaji, Rumi Okubo, Megumi Han, Hiroki Tasaka, Koutarou Nakamura
Crew: Hiroshi Sasagawa (Director), Akira Iribe (Director of Photography)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 27 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 19, 2012
IMDb: 10