Inspector Kishan lives a middle-class lifestyle in Mumbai, India, along with his younger brother, Rahul. He is in love with Kavita, the daughter of a Mantri, Dindayal Kallu, while Rahul is in love with Neena. The city is being held to ransom by corrupt politicians like Rana Jung Bahadur who openly associate with gangsters and criminal dons like Chaurasia, Rajeshwar and his brother, Lankeshwar. But when Chaurasia decides to take the larger share of the underworld market, a gang-war breaks out. When Inspector Kishan attempts to arrest Chaurasia, he is warned by his superior, ACP. Rahul then witnesses a murder being committed by Chaurasia's goon, Surya, but before he could do anything, he himself is killed.
Genre: Action
Stars: Mithun Chakraborty, Vineeta, Jackie Shroff, Ramya Krishnan, Salim Ghouse, Gulshan Grover
Crew: Rajiv Babbar (Producer), Anand Chitragupth (Music), Milind Chitragupth (Music), Rajiv Babbar (Director)
Country: India
Language: हिन्दी
Runtime: 140 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 12, 1997
IMDb: 1