"Slay Utterly" is a modern adaptation inspired by the infamous 1912 ax murders in Villisca, Iowa. At the center of the story is an FBI agent who links the gruesome massacre to others throughout the nation's heartland. Faced with challenges resulting from poorly-controlled rural crime scenes, the agent struggles to stay on the bloody trail of the brutal "Ax Man," who spares no one in his path.
Genre: Thriller
Stars: Zach Galligan, Bill Oberst Jr., Lynn Lowry, Melantha Blackthorne
Crew: Stuart Wahlin (Director), Stuart Wahlin (Music), Stuart Wahlin (Writer), Stuart Wahlin (Editor), Stuart Wahlin (Casting)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Vinland CineMusique Motion Pictures
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10