The documentary follows four unlikely teams on their epic journey to conquer the world's largest relay race. A 67-year-old heart attack survivor returns to conquer the race that nearly killed her, a family in mourning runs to honor the memory of their beloved, a group of film animators test the limits of their athleticism (or lack thereof), and a group of aging jocks show they still know how to have a good time. A celebration of personal determination and the power of family and friends, the film proves that you're never too old or too young to attempt the extraordinary.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Margaret Lily Andres, Jason Baldwin, Bruce Langlois, Rachel Larsen, Jenny Macy
Crew: Christoph Baaden (Director), Marcie Hume (Director), Christoph Baaden (Producer), Anna Campbell (Producer), Bill Campbell (Executive Producer), Kristin Cranford (Line Producer)
Language: English
Runtime: 102 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 11, 2011
IMDb: 10