The Investigator, a benevolent alien from a distant galaxy, selects an Earth boy and girl, John and Julie, to assist him in his mission to make their world a better place. The pair are miniaturized to assist The Investigator more easily, and assigned to prevent the theft by Stavros Karanti of a 14th-century masterpiece from a church on the island of Malta. John and Julie are presented with a car and a boat, scaled to accommodate their miniaturized size and set out to thwart Karanti's plans...
Genre: Science Fiction, Family
Stars: Shane Rimmer, Sylvia Anderson, Peter Dyneley, Charles Thake, Peter Borg
Crew: Harry Oakes (Cinematography), John Cameron (Music), Reg Hill (Modeling), Vic Elmes (Music), Sylvia Anderson (Screenplay), Gerry Anderson (Producer)
Country: Malta
Language: English
Studio: Starkits
Runtime: 23 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 20, 1973
IMDb: 10