Shinta is a sixth grader in Kawasaki City a troublemaker that dreams to become a soccer player. Yoshiko, a classmate who moved to Kawasaki from Iwate Prefecture two years ago, is a gloomy girl who suffers from asthma due to the polluted air in Kawasaki and is ostracized by her class. Shinta is placed next to Yoshiko in class and their stories will take a turn.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Hitoshi Abe, Takeo Chii, Hiroshi Gojo, Mieko Harada, Yūsaku Matsuda, Toshio Takahara
Crew: Yukihiro Sawada (Director), Takahisa Katsume (Writer), Yoshihiro Yûki (Producer), Taichiro Kosugi (Music), Teruo Hatanaka (Director of Photography), Akira Suzuki (Editor)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Nikkatsu Children's Films
Runtime: 86 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 24, 1974
IMDb: 10
Keywords:football (soccer)