Hideo Sakiki, a man who once crushed a hostile organization by himself, is back. This is because the funeral of the leader who was taken care of. However, the existence of Hideo stimulates other organizations as well as dislike...
Genre: Action
Stars: Riki Takeuchi, Yoji Sawamukai, Sawako Kitahara, Misa Aika, Kenji Mizuhashi, Sei Hiraizumi
Crew: Yoshiho Fukuoka (Director), Toshiyuki Tabe (Screenplay), Seizô Sengen (Cinematography), Tadashi Kobayashi (Art Designer), Fuji-Yama (Music)
Language: 日本語
Studio: Toei Company, Toei Video Company
Runtime: 84 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Mar 13, 1998
IMDb: 10