France Five, originally titled Juushi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjuushi France Five, is a French series produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. It is an homage to Toei's ever-popular Super Sentai series, which was extremely popular in France in the 1980s. As a nod to Super Sentai titles having certain motifs, France Five has each member themed after certain aspects of French culture. Plot :
Glou Man Chou, ruler of the Lexos Empire, desires to conquer planet Earth. However, the Eiffel Tower generates a barrier around the planet that keeps him from sending his armies en masse. Glou Man Chou sends his warriors and monsters to Earth to destroy the tower and enable a full-scale invasion, but they are opposed by France Five.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Sébastien Ruchet, Grégory Goldberg, Daniel Andreyev, Thomas Blumberg, Nolwenn Daste, Wendy Roeltgen
Country: FR
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 30, 1999
Last air date: Apr 20, 2013
Episode: 6 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4