The story revolves around a highschool girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Haruna Kawaguchi, Yusuke Yamamoto, Shunsuke Daitoh, Masaya Nakamura, Yudai Chiba, Ogawa Momoe
Crew: Yasuhito Tachibana, Natsuko Ikeda, Choru Han, Bisco Hatori, Satoshi Kan, Satoshi Kan
Country: JP
Studio: TBS
Runtime: 23:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jul 22, 2011
Last air date: Sep 30, 2011
Episode: 11 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.9
Keywords:high school, parody, romance, school, cross dressing, based on manga, hidden identity, reverse harem, bukatsu